The Universal Vision

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Namgyal Rinpoche in meditationNamgyal Rinpoche – ‘The Universal Vision’

“A total, ‘This Generation Planetary Vehicle for Transcendence’ – which is not east, not west – has to come into being. The purpose as I perceive it is to fulfill the bridge between the Eastern Teachings and the Western Teachings – where they can come together. You are in a vast field of consciousness and matter is intelligent! There is no split of mind/matter. Mind is becoming ‘extra-terrestrial’ very rapidly and you/we must catch up!

The eastern teachings can be given in order to begin the bridge work. The problem is that you have your conditioning. In terms of Transpersonal Psychology, re-birthing etc, you still have to do it. And I mean really do it – you have to really be there. You have to re-live that womb, that whole process. You are re-living it, but in little bits and pieces. And much of our work has been the little bits and pieces, dharmas here and there. You could go this way or that way and society is – searching desperately to find this way into the ‘new-dimension re-birthing’.

The Tibetans have it – the Vajrayana Teaching has it! They have the way to what you would call Transpersonal Experience. You must have the right motivation – Relative Bodhicitta & Absolute Bodhicitta – the intention to unfold and benefit all beings. It’s there in a living tradition. And I insist that you respect the ancestors and respect this tradition because it is a living tradition. Their contribution is within you now. If you don’t respect the ancestors then you don’t respect your foundation. And Shamanism – it’s there also.

The problem is you’re not Tibetan and you’re not Shamanist, you’re not really born in these traditions which are alive and doing it! You have to draw together the work of Hyperspace, the Cognitive Sciences and Transpersonal revelations etc with the Ancient Ways of Experiencing. You must learn and implement the methods to overcome the ‘personal’ subjugation to suffering – then overcome time and space by passing into Hyperspace – and then experience ‘New Dimensions’ by the opening of time and space! To do this you need to explore a consistent, orderly, systematic analysis of ‘empty’ and so on in meditation. There are definite properties to higher mind.

It will no longer be sustainable to stay locked within one’s self. We must join one with the other to make exploration of that which lies within and without us. Only in this way will question be awakened, in turn to awaken us. Only in this way can we live life the way it must be lived – with passion, commitment and intensity.

In the future, the quantum leap will lift all those who desire to be uplifted. The quantum leap means that the vibrations sent out from like consciousnesses will draw us together on a scale hitherto unknown in order to collectively leap out of our conceptual hypnosis and darkness into a new space, both inner and outer. Human minds will meet for a distinct breakthrough in the evolution of consciousness. It is in a state of love that we will make this quantum leap together…”

[Edited excerpts of Namgyal Rinpoche Discourses on the Universal Vision – ‘68 to ‘03]

With permission, copyright and all other rights are reserved by Wesley Knapp 2013.

From the Archive

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