A Star Group – Revisit

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?    As we move out into space, both physically and mentally, is it possible that man’s body will change physically?

That’s very simply answered: yes. This change will occur over time, however. Your body is changing physically at the moment—not only due to the aging process, but also through the leisurely pace of evolution. This change will be sped up when we go out from the planet.
In space you will be subject to a more drastic exposure to various vibrations or rays, so some physical developments will be retarded and others will be accelerated – the perceptual range will likely increase, with refinements and even new organs of perception being developed.
These new organs are already present in germinal form. You will have organs or sensors that record or interact more clearly with electromagnetic fields. There are insects that have such powers; they already line themselves up with the magnetic poles. You will also likely develop more efficient heat sensors that will be able to pick up traces of consciousness throughout the universe. Rather than telepathic, these will be directional sensors, working somewhat like scanners that can locate where in the universe there is life of any form.
There are many other organs in embryo, so to speak, within your body. Bear that in mind. They have been enumerated in various texts, but if you wish to do more study I suggest that you read about the eighty-four psychic powers listed in Buddhist teachings. Anyone who wishes to check the Pāli Canon will find the siddhi and iddhi lists. It could be said that there is a sensor for each of these powers within the body.

?    Do we already utilize these organs now, when we do space meditations? I have personally noticed that when I come back from traveling to various parts of the universe via meditation, my body is tingling and it feels very much as though certain areas have been activated that I haven’t used before. Is that the process that is actually taking place?

Yes. If you don’t practice the group meditations, you probably won’t become aware of these sensors within you.
You do have the capacity to pick up all sorts of vibrations, from radio waves through to x-rays. You can define these sensors, and you should. Listen carefully. When you become aware of different wavebands, eventually you can begin to speak about them. As you become more clear about your perception, you can be sure that the sensor within is beginning to awaken. When you take part in the group space meditation you speed this process up tremendously.
In response to doing this work, some very peculiar reactive patterns will arise. There will be various ‘seeings’ on the inner planes, shall we say? Or you will begin to see in different ways, with the divine eye. You will see other colours, other ranges of light. The inner eye and ear—and every other sense—have a greater range than that manifested by the ordinary human being who is working the senses only on the outer plane.

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