Hyperspace Retreat – Recorded 2.30 pm Fri. June 30, 1995

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Namgyal Rinpoche Hyperspace Retreat – Recorded 2.30 pm Fri. June 30, 1995 [1 of 10] Un-edited as yet transcription of the introduction, by Wesley Knapp

“…I would like to speak more from the ‘personal experience way – ostensibly the Path of Meditation’. There are highly inexplicable events that happen in the course of many lives. Let’s take this type of approach – most people’s orientation is to the problems of the present, caused by prior abuses and the events of this life. But most problems occur because of the shaping in the womb. So you have to begin not with the traumas and events of this life but what set you up for that.

And this is the ‘secret’ of extra-dimensional ventures; you have to go back to the moment of incarnation or germination of this lifetime! [The moment of conception – wesley] That moment is the moment you go forward in this place, but also the moment you go forward-backward! The key is the bindu at that moment of formation.

You will notice that in the wongkurs that you are encouraged to enter the Mahamudra Mind-state. It is always at the point where the mandala condenses in, shrinking (very important word that, shrinking), shrinking into the bindu; then shrinking again to the bija, then again to a little dot, then light. There must come an experience of shrinking to this one point!

This is encouraged in wongkur in order to enter the ‘great moving mind’ [Maha/Great, Mu/Vanishing, Dra/Moving] – which literally means the ‘vanishing of all forms’ – or, ‘going beyond relativity’…

In relativity there is only a certain amount of ‘measurement’ that can be done. You have to listen to the language – the ‘Beyond Measure Palace’ – shrinking down to the bindu/point. Then ‘the bubble which is no bubble’ pops! Suddenly there is nothing – you aren’t in the past, present, future, whatever.

Beyond that, you can say you don’t know what’s happening, things are ‘not as usual’! The things that are not as usual could be all sorts of things – time is not as usual, time is nothing.

Other dimensions may occur and intrude into this life – all these peculiar happenings which you can’t even ‘read’. For example, a whole other level, of planetary consciousness, could be experienced. If you were to experience it you would have no way of reading it. Yet you have to ‘bring that material back’.

Telepathy is ‘other-dimensional work’ – beyond measure! The Buddha said it was impossible to teach Abhidharma on ‘this’ side. I’m just trying to point out the direction that you have to go to – your personal experience – in order to bring these ‘extra-dimensional dharmas’ into use.

You would know the direct happening when you’re in it, but you would not know from ‘this’ standpoint. You would have to come back to ‘this consciousness’ to get some kind of interpretation. You must go beyond the ‘relativity number’ of time and space.

So, it could be any place in the universe and any time in the universe. That’s what they mean by ‘you must go beyond the relativity of time and space’ because you are now only experiencing certain dimensions of relatively measurable time and space.

It’s as if you have a lens without the eye behind it.

So, in order to loosen your consciousnesses you must do much work with the bindu, the little bubble, the ‘crystal ball’…