Brenda's Board built the bath-house, ablutions were
'a bit of a bummer' for bodhisattvas at Kinmount!
The tiny bathroom in the old log cabin that functioned
as the main service building for the 400-acre property
in the sixties was inadequate for the growing number
of meditators using the centre all year round by the
late '70's and '80's. Out-houses built in the early
days were few and far between, there was no electricity
in them - and often no toilet paper! The whole set-up
was inadequate - it was a long trek from anywhere
to that one toilet - and even then its use was often
restricted to 'chosen ones' in various categories
- the politics of plumbing, Buddhist style!
Brenda Mintz the DC
Chair managed the fund-raising and building of the
bath-house - planned by Peter Boag and Ted Bieler
- and the septic field between it and the main-house
from 1980 to 1981. The plan called for a sauna in
the area now used as the tea-room, with an outdoor
pool and/or hot-tub to be installed adjacent to
the tea-room end of the building. [The alternative,
solar design was apparently negated by the view
that the technology was then too new.

Godliness: the Bath-House at KRC
The bath-house
was a really major break-through in the community's
life - kudos and many thanks to those who accomplished
it! But, as with many plans at the centre based
on volunteer, often unskilled, labour - and financed
by donations - the actual implementation fell somewhat
short. No sauna, no hot tub, no pool, no tiles and
the shower stalls were small vertical metal coffins
- two each on the men's and women's sides - which
perched on pre-formed concrete shower floors that
were not installed level, allowing the user to stand
in a permanent puddle of soap sludge, hair and who
knew what else next to the drain. However, the water
pressure was great! - so great it created a steamy,
suction back-draft that caused the slimy curtain
to cling to the user's body, allowing lots of water
to spray out onto the bare plywood floors
Studio, tiling contractors and students of the Venerated
Namgyal Rinpoche - had offered to supply ceramic
tiles for the bath-house and installation, for a
token fraction of what we were then earning - mainly
to mollify our financial comptroller - because we
were very busy with work. The tiles were accepted
but the wall tile installations were done instead
by what we would probably now call unskilled 'interns',
working at the centre for free on a government grant
program. In 1982 we were allowed to install the
6"x6" quarry floor tiles throughout the
building on both the men's and women's sides, though
not without adventure. At one point a woman that
I had never seen before ducked under the tape bearing
a sign that read - 'please keep out, wet cement,
newly laid tiles' - which was blocking the entries.
She started to skid her way across the tiles, squirting
cement out of the joints - as I was right there
kneeling before her and laying tiles in the cement
- on her way to the toilets, which unbeknownst to
her had been removed for tiling! No doubt she was
too busy developing higher awareness through meditation
to keep an eye on the signs or the floor. I roared
at her, "Stop! Get Out!" and she left.
It was
incidents such as these and others, that caused
me to reflect that 'previously unknown to the Dharma
Centre contractors' being fully paid for their skills
and their work by the DC, were often treated with
much more respect than a volunteer member's labour
- at least their efforts were not revoked or downgraded
in some way by internal politics. We were then approached
in 1984 by that board with a request to renovate
the shower areas of the bath-house. This was one
of the friendlier boards in my opinion, comprising
mainly early students of the Rinpoche who were considered
'cool' by many members. The KRC was a warm, friendly
place to be then and exciting because Rinpoche was
offering 'New Dispensation' Teachings. [Link: to
Holistic Clearing]
board included amongst others Richard Phelan as
surely one of the most convivial 'gracious greeter'
and care-takers ever and Brian Bamford as the chair
- Rinpoche's 'Dick Swift & the Artful Dodger'
from the Morocco 'therapy trip', who set a joyous
tone for all; Debbie O'Connell, who created the
garden below the Wind Cabin and others around the
centre; and Francie Downing, a wonderful 'den mother'
who spruced-up the entire centre - painted the cabins
in contemporary colours, got rid of the mice and
mouldy mattresses in the retreatant's rooms, put
in carpets, cushions and curtains etc - really making
the centre less grim and 'user-friendly'.
on that board was Gretchen Mehegan, Rinpoche's first
Tibetan Tantra Translator, (who was probably the
DC's first 'women's' libber'); [ Gretchen's
recorded DC News Interview with Namgyal Rinpoche]
who superbly organised & catalogued the library
in the main house and vastly upgraded and edited
the Dharma News, adding the brilliant 'Abbot's Column'.
I had
created what I thought was an 'iron-clad' agreement
in writing for Lotus Studio with Francie, (the board's
representative of the moment), that would allow
for the maximum efficiency and productivity of installation
- because now it was summer and the peak season
for us contractors. I didn't want any delays or
political problems! I insisted that we were to be
hired as professionals, (although at a huge discount
rate) and the tile was paid for also, at a 40% discount.
I designed
a functional new layout for the men's and women's
shower areas, consisting of one 6'x6' communal unit
on each side, where mothers and fathers could take
their small children into the shower to seat and
wash them; where elders could safely sit and shower;
and where two could shower at the same time when
it was busy - with only one drain on each side of
the building, properly sloped floors, in-shower
lighting, ventilation fans to prevent mould build-up,
marble door frames and glass doors.

I also
made scale drawings and produced a materials list.
The person responsible from the Centre's side, the
care-taker, was to acquire the materials and have
them on site, demolish the old shower areas and
then rebuild them to my forwarded specifications
- so that when we arrived with the tiles we would
only have to do the tiling!
It was
meticulously, professionally planned. The scheduling
was crucial. It was an incredibly humid, hot summer
and Rinpoche was offering a long, silent retreat
for about 60 people from all over the world, starting
immediately on the planned completion date of the
work. We arrived with the tile, on schedule, to
start work - but the situation had changed. The
board was going through changes. The one responsible
for the demolition and re-building had done a little
desultory demolition, got involved in a romance,
left the tools and debris where they laid and gone!
We had
to complete the major part of the demolition, get
the construction materials and re-build everything
before the tiling could commence. Then a small group
of women tried to form a committee to prevent the
use of what they considered to be 'fascist colours'
in the tiling - the tiles happened to be black,
white, grey and maroon - appealing I thought to
both Universalists and Vajrayanists! Later, having
seen how I was using those tiles on the men's side,
these same women complained again, wanting to know
why the design of the women's side was so 'boring'!

Colours - become Boring Design?
We had
a very small window of opportunity to complete the
work because of our other contracts and because
the Rinpoche was soon arriving - along with the
sixty or so meditators - who were to be met by construction
chaos as it turned out. Angelica stayed at home
to keep the business going and look after the children,
dogs, cats and garden etc. Markus Anderson, my helper
at the time (later to become Victor - also a student
of Rinpoche's and a dedicated, hard worker - where
are you now Victor?) and I went up to Kinmount to
do the demolition and begin the re-building. I was
younger then and frequently had to work 'all-day
& all-nighters' when there were rush housing
contracts to complete. Working twenty or thirty
hours shifts was not that unusual then, so I calculated
the time left until the Rinpoche's arrival by hours,
rather than by days and figured there were enough
hours to complete the whole process.
Fortunately, immediately
prior to the long retreat, Rinpoche was offering
a 'mini' week-end 'Male Only Retreat', which was
not to be silent. In theory this would allow us
extra hours to work - but wouldn't do anything about
the pending delay of our next job. The Male Retreat
Work was to become crucial in the design of the
actual tiling, which I hadn't yet settled on at
that time, having been granted 'contractual free
reign' by Francie.
Being somewhat anal
about the installation - knowing the heavy use that
the showers would get - we spent what turned out
to be far too much of the allotted time budget on
the demolition, procurement of materials and the
actual building part. When the carpentry was finished
we had to clad it all in cement board and moisture-proof
drywall; plaster, fine sand, paint and then silicone
seal it. The drains were set, the floors were tiled
and the electrical completed. Doors were framed,
marbled and hung. Now the actual tiling of the walls,
ceilings and benches could begin.
It was decided, under
the duress of Rinpoche's and the retreatants' pending
arrival, to complete one side first. Then the males
and females could take 'shifts' by turn to use the
bathing facilities there until the other side was
completed. (It was at this point that the ladies
started complaining about the colour selections,
because we started on the ladies' side). It was
going well, other than the fascist colours mini-crisis,
we were being well-fed and solicitously cared for
by the apologetic staff but soon I had to stop going
over to the dining hall and just keep working. And
there was this irritating thing that Markus used
to do - he would want to stop working to eat and
sleep! As the days and nights wore on he would take
to the couch in the tea-room for a quick snooze
and I didn't think it fair to rouse him when I discovered
that he was no longer right there to help me.
In the early seventies,
on their first teaching visits to New Zealand, I
was fortunate to co-host and become friends with
Geshe Lama Thubten Yeshe and his translator, Thubten
Zopa Rinpoche and their attendant, the Australian
monk Dr Nick Ribush - who later became the founder
of Wisdom Press in Boston, U.S.A. We rented a large,
empty house with few rooms overlooking the ocean,
filled it wall to wall with mattresses and gave
the Lamas the private rooms. This is how we did
the retreat with a large, communal group. It was
amazingly intimate, friendly and relaxed. Kiwis
are cool and the Lamas were totally nonchalant.
During the breaks Steve Palmer and I would go down
to the water's edge to smoke and often Lama Yeshe
would come by, take my hand and we would stroll
together talking. He told me of staying up all night
in the monastery, studying by butter-lamp light
in order to attain the 'Geshe' degree and how one
could 'get by' without sleep.
Also, when I was a
child in Cyprus, my father (a career British army
Sergeant Major), was ordered to build a brand new,
complete living facility for 700 or so British Royal
Marine Commandoes being urgently air-lifted in to
deal with a liberation war there - in what was a
British colony then. He had 60 hours to do it and
drove his men like slaves, with only 3, two-hour
sleep periods. They did it - so I knew that type
of work was possible - and my own experiences of
long shifts helped too. (But those were followed
by a day or so of nothing but sleeping and eating
before going back to work). I was an officer candidate
in the Commandoes myself years later and learned
that nothing was impossible once the mind was put
to it. This also helped when Rinpoche referred to
'Gumption' and 'Spiritual Commandoes storming Heaven's
Gates' during the Male 'Man Pack' Retreat - I had
experienced the kind of required energy output he
We completed the ladies'
side just after the male retreat had begun. The
first day Rinpoche began by contrasting male and
female qualities and principles. By now I was working
non-stop - through the night too - and rather than
taking sleep breaks I would go to the temple and
listen to Rinpoche. Refreshed and inspired I would
return to the bath-house, wake Markus up from his
sleep and get on with the work. I decided to use
Rinpoche's Teaching as the motif for the tile designs;
straightforward on the female side, but complex
on the male side as I became more and more inspired
- although some might say crazed - by lack of sleep.
I used the black, white & grey tile for the
western mysteries, the maroon for the order and
the black for the Yidam Mahakala.

Black White &
Grey Cube
into the interior of the Vajrayana 'cube mandala'
through the 'Western Mysteries', one encounters
to either side of the entry the black/white/ grey
cube seats - 'crazy' male exploration energies integrated
for use by the female, transformed to provide support
and a functional basis - the 'irrational' male urge
to explore the unknown, survive [sur/vivre - overcome
life] and return 'experienced' - creating stability,
ease and growth in the 'quality' of life. At the
bottom on the left of the main wall facing you when
you step into the men's shower you can see a single,
cut maroon tile, the equivalent of the patch sown
on the robes of the order - and a Lotus flower.
These two are our 'Universalist Dharma symbols as
lay-lamas working in the world'. I used the Lotus
tile on work that I was pleased with, which is to
say, very rarely. It has a closed bud - contained
potential, ready to manifest - a blossoming bud,
manifesting - and a fully unfolded blossom, bearing
billions of Buddhas - in mind that is.
The patch is symbolic
of the robes that the Buddha enjoined his followers
to make - by gathering and patching together charred
scraps from the 'burning ghats' - where the clothed
bodies of the dead were cremated, (which no-one
wanted anymore, a reminder of impermanence and impending
death), and to cover their nakedness so that lay
folk would not be offended. Also, to ensure that
none in the order became attached to fine clothes,
etc and so that everybody, no matter what strata
of society they came from, all wore the same. They
were then dyed in the sap of a hollowed-out 'Jack'
tree to a golden colour - emblematic of the sun
of life and also alluding to the fearless spontaneity
required to explore and clear the causes of anxiety
and suffering.

Robe Patch &
Lotus Studio Logo Tile
with the 'pure' ground of being, the energies/colours
leap up into the adventure of the seeming chaos
of the unknown, cresting on the ceiling with the
Hangman's Noose from the Tarot and/or Mahakala's
Diamond Lasso - manifesting mastery of the ability
to 'bind & loosen the energies' - and then come
together at the point of actual purification - the
shower-head; before 'continuum-leaping' to the 'other
side' to state the realised and integrated aspiration
of the 'Man Pack' male Wisdom energy - the Crown
Mandala Initiation of Lights in the brain; the 'crazy'
Grail Quest; the Winged Silver Jewel Chalice of
purified karma - the highest

Silver Jewel Chalice of the Quest
This 'continuum-leap' of trust into
the unknowable void across to the other side (of
the wall) then manifests as a column of integrated
energies supporting the roof beams of the Temple,
the Place of Initiation for young males. These are
in turn supported at each of the other two corners
by (symbolic) Masonic columns - and at the fourth
corner of the cube by the pure aspirational energy
of daring to leave the warm comfort of the womb
to explore the unknown of this New (each bardo moment
by moment) Life.

Noose/Mahakala's Diamond Lasso Energies
Integrated to use as support columns for the beams
energized (Viriya), cleansed and purified, (Arahum/Vajra
Sattva), one may 'exit' - the 'purification by daring
the unknown' process - through the black and white
columns on either side of the door supporting the
Holy Quest Grail - 'the Cup of Trusting Love that
overflows' - and enter out into the Real Mystery
- which is not the 'Temple', nor the 'Teaching',
but exploring the 'Mundane', Holy Life of Service
to Evolution - to benefit and uplift all that is...

to the Real Mystery 'Look In - Look Up - Look Out'
As we
worked, some would come impatiently wanting to use
the shower; some wonderingly; and some, like Ted
Bieler - the then Head of the Art Department at
York University in Toronto - who loomed, stooped,
peered around the door, carefully examined every
detail of the mandala he was looking into, started
smiling and then burst out laughing! I could tell
he was enjoying his retreat, for by now the silent
retreat had already begun!
We had to use our
water-cooled table saw with a diamond-tipped blade,
to cut the marble slabs for the door frames and
to make the intricate cuts in the tiles. This machine
is loud and as the blade passes through the material
it is cutting it produces an angry, deafening roar
- definitely not the appropriate ambiance for a
silent retreat. In those days Rinpoche would park
by the main house and walk up to the temple - Guru
with gaggle of accompanying students. Each day,
I could sense him arriving before he turned in off
Galway Road and each day I wondered if this would
be the day he came storming in because of the noise
I was making - but he never did.
I wouldn't lie down,
(knowing that would ruin everything, there weren't
enough hours left), and so when I needed rest I
would sit on a stool in the doorway, looking at
the mind creation unfolding in front of and around
me. If I started to nod off I stood immediately
and began to work again. The last shift of 100 hours
passed - four days without sleeping - and it was
finished, the 'impossible' accomplished. I left
written maintenance instructions with the board
then we drove back to Sakya Namgyal. I slept for
12 hours or so, ate and then went on to our next
contract - right on schedule!
Some years later,
as Rinpoche arrived at the main house and got out
of the car I asked if he had seen the showers. "I
don't go where I'm not invited and I haven't been
invited" was his response. So I invited him
to, 'come and see for himself'.
I explained as we
walked to the bath-house how, due to his inspiration
and transmission I had worked without ceasing while
visualizing and manifesting his teaching, on the
walls of the showers. He looked at the women's side
- and the only comment was his small 'harumph'.
Then he looked at
the men's side - and turning to smile at me he said,
"Well, it's very nice to see something around
here that is not only skillfully functional, but
beautifully crafted!" That brought a glow to
my heart and tears of joy to my eyes - and does
so now as I recount it.
Later still, Angela
and I were fortunate to tile Rinpoche's Tseringma
Teaching House bathroom and kitchen and his own
bathroom and kitchen at his home. He insisted on
paying the 'going rate' for the work at his home
and seemed to enjoy coming out of his room periodically
to discuss design details, watch progress and participate
in the project, a new 'learning experience' for
It has now been nearly
thirty years since the bath-house was tiled and
the showers built. With minor maintenance and very
few repairs it continues to function efficiently
for maybe a hundred showers a day when large groups
are using it and it serves hundreds of beings each
year, all year round. I offer thanks to those who
created the opportunity to manifest this satisfying

Dimensional Complexities
A Lotus Studio Project